Galería de fotos de pavos indultados por presidentes de EEUU
fotos de pavos indultados por presidentes.
1950: President Harry S Truman with one of the turkeys presented to him annually for Thanksgiving
Richard Nixon
En 1955, cuando se desempeñaba como vicepresidente del presidente Eisenhower, Richard Nixon se reunió con el pavo en una ceremonia fuera del edificio Capitol
1956: President Dwight Eisenhower rests his hand on the 40lb
5: President Eisenhower's Thanksgiving turkey, presented annually by the turkey industry, is received by Vice-president Richard Nixon
1957: First Lady Mamie Eisenhower is amused by the gobbling of a 40lb tom turkey presented to her at the White House. Photograph: Charles Gorry/AP
Lady Bird Johnson
1962: Lady Bird Johnson poses with two 40lb broad-breasted Thanksgiving turkeys which she accepted for herself and Vice-president Lyndon B Johnson, and for the Kennedys
Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis
Presidente Nixon
1969 - El presidente Nixon sonríe el pavo en 1969 y en ese momento se acepta comúnmente que el ave era 'perdonada' a pesar de que no fue un acto oficial hasta veinte años más tarde
1978: Amy Carter stands with her mother, First Lady Rosalynn Carter, as they accept the traditional Thanksgiving turkey
Photograph: Wally McNamee/Corbis
1985: President Ronald Reagan jokes with farmer John Holden and his wife, who raised this Thanksgiving turkey
President Bill Clinton con eel pavo indultado
1998: President Bill Clinton watches as turkey handler Walter Gislason, right, tries to catch Jerry the turkey, who was pardoned from his role in the Thanksgiving dinner
Photograph: Joyce Naltchayan/AFP
George W Bush pavo indultado
2001: A turkey named Liberty surprises President George W Bush at the annual turkey pardoning
2009: Malia Obama pats a turkey named Courage as her sister Sasha, centre, and Walter Pelletier, left, chairman of the National Turkey Federation, look on during a presidential pardon at the north portico of the White House in Washington. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images
Los pavos indultados se libran del sacrificio y mueren naturalmente.
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